Jabbo Smith, Danny Barker, Orange Kellin, Frog Joseph, Lars Edegran 1979 4+5 Climax Rag; etc
1979, 7, 20 Festival d Antibes Juan les Pins, JABBO SMITH (t, v) DANNY BARKER (g) Frog Joseph (tb) Orange Kellin (cl) Lars Edegran (p) Franck Field (b) John Robichaux (d, ann) JAZZ A ANTIBES , 28:23, filmed by J. C. Averty, on the air 84, 9, 2 5:38 Muskrat Ramble, 4:33 Love vJS, 7:11 Original Dixieland One Step (already uploaded, but here in context) 4:57 Climax Rag , 6:27 A Million Dreams vJS I hope the copyrightholder will tolerate this noncommercial use of historical worth; greetings to O