A Shocking Unboxing of VAVs 브이에이브이 4th Mini Album Thrilla Killa
This is a family friendly kpop Purchased from: KpopinUSA Contents: CD + Photobook + Postcard (1 of 6) + Photocard (1 of 6) Tracklist: Track List: 01. Thrilla Killa Title 02. Im Sorry 03. Thouch you 04. Senorita 05. Thrilla Killa (Inst. ) Upcoming Unboxings: Shipped Kpopmarket01 Haul Buyee Haul IZONE Heart IZ (Violeta + Sapphire) Stray Kids Clé 1: MIROH (Limited Edition) Kpop In USA Unboxings Pentagon Genie:Us Ordering: Yesung KR Comeback BTS APRI