Radio Days Official Trailer Woody Allen Movie
Set in Rockaway at the outset of World War II, RADIO DAYS invites the audience to partake in the hilarious yet moving adventures of a family, whose members triumph over a mundane existence by cultivating an intense fantasy life. Like Woody Allens previous film, HANNAH AND HER SISTERS, this is also a family saga. The joys and tribulations experienced by all parents and children, uncles and aunts, neighbors and friends are universally recognizable: an unmarried aunt craves the company of a prince charming who remains everelusive; a wife lingers lovingly on the memory of a previous court ship; a boy accepts the Masked Avenger, the famous radio character, as part and parcel of his daily life; a man believes his get rich schemes will bring him the success he RADIO DAYS, the 15th film written and directed by Woody Allen, is a loving valentine to the days when radio reigned supreme in the reality of most Americans. Directed by: Woody Allen Starring: Mia Farrow, Dianne Wiest, Mike Starr, Seth Green and Wallac