NIST FOIA 09 42: R14 UC Abramson Sabio clip01 17 ( WTC1 Burning, WTC2 Impact Fireball)
0:00:00 WTC1, the north tower is already hit and on fire. Recording of first clip starts at 8:49:06 a. m. according to NIST VideoList. Time uncertainty margin of each clip has been determined by NIST as 1 second. 0:13:11 Impact explosion and jetfuel fireball at the north face of WTC2 at approx. 9:02:54 a. m.. Smoke expulsions at the east and north faces of WTC1 on upper floors. TV signal (CBS Channel 2) is lost for about three seconds, then again at 0:13:51. 0:14:33 Clip change. TV si