The Bold and Beeautiful
Check out for a free trial or go to to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain. She gazes out at us with a piercing stare. Her mouth pursed just enough to force us to wonder to whom the intensity is directed; the viewer or the artist. She wears an imposing black ruffled collared dress, both delicate and commanding with a flash of fire red trim as if to say do not stare, but notice And of course the bee earring just screams punk rock though we know that it s probably a reference to her hard working nature and piety. Unfortunately this portrait is not without issue. A patch, some paint loss, errantly applied wax and lots of overpaint plague this painting. Luckily none of these issues are insurmountable and with a bit of attention and hard work we can make this portrait once again, bold and beautiful. Support me on Patreon