Twelfth Night vs. Shes the Man, Amanda Bynes Channing Tatum Take on Shakespeare, A, S ( S2 E7)
Welcome back to Adaptation Station, the show where we review books and their movie adaptations, but with a twist: we each consume the bookmovie combo in a different order (book first vs. movie first). If you want to skip the spoiler section after the introduction and ratings, go to 12:23 for our final recommendations and wrapup. Ryan K. Allen and Dillon AllenPerez (aka Some Brothers) are published writers. Order their books here: Order Animal City, Cannibal World by Dillon AllenPerez: Mold by Ryan K. Allen Reflections and Falling and Loving What s Lost by Ryan K. Allen a word is not what it means by Dillon AllenPerez Follow Some Brothers on Instagram: ryankennethallen dillonallenperez TIMELINE 00:00 Introduction 03:52 Spoiler Filled Review 12:23 Final Recommendations 15