MLP Twilight Sparkle as Winx Club My Little Pony
The series follows the adventures of a group of girls known as the Winx, students at the Alfea College for Fairies, who turn into fairies to fight villains. The team is made up of Bloom, the redhaired leader with firebased powers; Stella, the fairy of the Sun; Flora, the fairy of nature; Tecna, the fairy of technology; Musa, the fairy of music; and Aisha, the fairy of waves. Roxy, the fairy of animals, occasionally joins the Winx and all three of the show s production companies name her as the Winx Club s seventh member. The main male characters are called the Specialists, a group of students at the Red Fountain school who are also the Winx fairies boyfriends. They include Bloom s fiancé Sky; Stella s fiancé Brandon; Flora s boyfriend Helia; Tecna s boyfriend Timmy; and Musa s boyfriend Riven. Unlike their female counterparts, the Specialists do not have magical powers and instead train how to fight using laser weapons. The Winx and Specialists most common adv