Groundbreaking 4 D Facial Performance Capture from Clear Angle Studios, DI4 D and
Clear Angle Studios, alongside DI4D and TexturingXYZ, deliver their vision for a new standard of performancedriven digital human faces at SIGGRAPH 2024. The resulting product is a groundbreaking 4D facial performance capture service, which, for the first time, produces perframe map data to deliver a final product that is almost indistinguishable from recorded footage of a human. This demo, which shows the building process from the initial mesh to final render, offers a glimpse into the future of interactive entertainment and what this collaborative capability from all three specialist companies could offer vendors in one singleservice. Clear Angle Studios provides the sophisticated capture technologies, DI4D provides secondtonone markerless mesh tracking, and TexturingXYZ enhances the micro skin details on the maps using their advanced Hyperskin technology. For for information, please visit: