How To Make Cola, Senku Cola, Dr. Stone, Anime Recipes
I tried making cola from the anime Dr. Stone. (Season 1 Episode 15: The Culmination of Two Million Years) There are only 4 ingredients: cilantro, lime, carbonated water and caramelized honey. It took many trials but this is the closest I got to an almost decent tasting cola. Follow me on Instagram: theyummyexperiment MUSIC: Sangenshoku by Pelican Fanclub Piano arrangement: logan feece Life by Rudea Piano arrangement: Anime Pro Cola Recipe: 1 bottle 3 tbsp or 1, 4 cup cilantro 1, 21 lime: juice + zest 45 tbsp honey 200250ml carbonated water 6 bottles 1 1, 2 cups cilantro 6 limes: juice + zest 1 1, 2 cups (360mL) honey carbonated water (total) (adjust measurements according to your taste) 1. Zest lime 2. Crush cilantro, then add lime zest and mix together 3. Add lime juice and mix 4. Boil honey until it caramelizes 5. Strain the cilantrolime mixture, add the caramelized honey this become