La Voz de Tu Corazon Hoy con Nora Sociocracia Practica
Judy Machado and Angel Ribo have weekly conversations from different places on the Planet, checking on what is really going on in the World, and sharing how easy it is to travel the World today without fear. This Week, we have with us the one and only Davida, Formerly known as Jil Love Revolution. Artivist Priestess of IsisWidowed Twin Flame Truth Seeker FB: Davida. IG: davidasal, Website: Jil Love Revolution is a international social movement which creates ARTivism, Art + Activism to raise awareness, motivate society and expand consciousness. The mission of Jil Love Revolution is to awaken a force in those who view our imagesTo raise awareness, ignite ideas and incite people to action. Jil Love Revolution peacefully and artistically fight for Social Rights, Animal rights and Environmental rights. Judy Machado was born in Azores and immigrated to Canada with her family when she was just a baby. At the age of 18, she became powerfully inspired by Tony Robbins Wayne Dyer, b