Terry Fox: I Had a Dream (1981)
Back in the day my 1st grade teacher played this on a 16mm projector and while we watched the film I could hear the rippling sound of her pulling kleenex after kleenex to ball her eyes out. It seemed peculiar to me at the time but 25 years later when I found this online and see how they put in that famous song He Aint Heavy it tugs at my heart strings. What a bittersweet and tragic story. If anyone who was involved in producing and distributing this finds any issue with me publishing this on YouTube, please don t hesitate to get in touch. I am sharing this in good faith, and crediting those whose names I could find as involved in the film. Produced and Directed by John F. Simpson on behalf of the Canadian Cancer Society. In Association with Profile Communications Inc. ; Terry Fox Foundation. Publisher: Profile Communications (1981) There can be no reason for me to stop. No matter what