Olympia Leg Day ft. Chris Bumstead Brett Wilkin
Thank you very much to Mr. Bumstead and Mr. Wilkin for being so nice and making this a great workout LINKS: SUPS and CLOTHING (code: BEEF): GORILLA MIND RASKOL YOUNGLA ILUS LABEL SOCIALS: INSTA TWITCH TIKTOK Contents of this video 00:00 intro 01:07 the warmup (adduction) 01:42 the warmup continues (quad extension) 04:40 more warmup (hamstring curls) 05:16 ascent to madness (leg press) 09:54 MY LEGS (squat machine) 12:19 time under tension (lying hamstring curls) 14:36 INTERVIEW 14:41 advice for beginner bodybuilders 16:44 fun fact 17:08 quote of the day 18:43 closing 19:26 the end , workoutmotivation, bodybuildin