Discover 7 Compelling Reasons to Study Genesis First
Valuable Bible Study. Which Vital Book Should I Examine First If you had to start a serious Bible study, whether you re a Bible novice or Bibleinformed, which book would you plunge into for a more profound understanding of God and His plan for humanity, you and me Which initial book and why Study Genesis First. Reason 1 Bible Study, Genesis First. In the Beginning opposite of Once upon a time Novels start off with once upon a time, some vague fictitious story to tickle your imagination. Genesis starts in the beginning, a definite moment in time that is a concrete fact. This is a true story that should motivate your thinking about reality. Study Genesis First, Reason 2. The First Major Participants are Immediately Identified Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God (plural Elohim) created (singular verb) the heaven and the earth. 26 Let us (plural) make (singular) man in our (plural) image. The plural subject takes a s