Unlikely couple: Liaison between a Sika deer and a Japanese snow monkey
Discover the photobook of Alexandre Bonnefoy about Japanese monkeys : Reference: Pelé, M., Bonnefoy, A., Masaki, S., Sueur, C. et al. (2016). Interspecies sexual behaviour between a male Japanese macaque and female Sika deer, Primates This paper is part of a bigger project with a book: And conferences, videos: Link to Primates Second scientific study to document sexual behavior between two unrelated species In 2014 reports of an Antarctic fur seal coercing king penguins into sexual relations made headlines worldwide, as it was the first time that such behavior between unrelated species was documented. However, it does not seem to be a unique occurrence in nature: In the journal Primates published by Springer, researchers report on the mating behavior observed between a Japanese macaque male (also known as