SUBSCRIBE CORRETTA QUANTITA DI INGREDIENTI PER FARE LA PIZZA NAPOLETANA. Questo video e un video molto interessante che vi aiutera a capire quanto devono pesare gli ingredienti che mettiamo sulla pizza, spero vi sia stato utile, per favore condividete sui social e lasciate un like e sopratutto ISCRIVITI :) sorry I made some little mistake when I was making the pizza because I was so focus on making a perfect pizza, but the correct amount of ingredients are the one on the end of the video on the pic ENGLISH CORRECT QUANTITY OF INGREDIENTS TO MAKE NAPOLETAN PIZZA. This video is a very interesting video that will help you to understand how much we weigh the ingredients we put on pizza, I hope you have been useful, please share on social and leave a like and above SIGN UP :) SPANISH CANTIDAD CORRECTA DE INGREDIENTES PARA HACER PIZZA NAPOLETANA. Este video es un video muy interesante que te ayudar, 22