JJBATAS Parody: Episode 10 (3, 3) ( Series Finale)
Episode 10: Stand off THIS IS A PARODY Jojos Bizarre Adventure is property of Hirohiko Araki, Shueisha, Super Techno Arts and Viz Media. Please support the official release. This is nothing more than a Parody made for entertainment purposes only. Cast List: Antfish Everyone Music: Damage Inc Metallica Organ Donor Crank High Voltage OST Border Patrol Manhunt OST High Tension Heavy Rain OST Lethal Warning RF Piefer Broz Drunk driving Manhunt OST Countdown Heavy Rain OST Lois Martha Superma Doomsday OST the Insane Asylum (red) Manhunt 2 OST Beastly Fast XRay Dog Kens theme Street Fighter See Ya in hell Pfeifer Broz Beore the Storm Heavy Rain OST Argonaut Attack Piefer Broz Get Going Piefer Broz Juga Sword of the stranger OST It s on Twisted Metal Black OST Rise of Evil Two Steps from Hell A once prou br, br,