DEATHBED CONFESSION AND INNOCENT MAN IN A PRISON I Who killed two students I Norwegian true crime
, fritzmoen, torhepso, torunnfinstad, sigridheggeheim, norwegiantruecrime Todays case is again a mind tricking In my opinion, this again is another true crime case of injustice, as a result of which an innocent and disabled man spent half of his life behind bars for killing two young women in Trondheim. This is also a story about a deathbed confession of a man who was brave enough to do harm to two women, but too coward to shed a light on the real circumstances of this double Furthermore, up to nowadays, despite all the evidence and leads, there are no exact answers that could lead us to say that the case is closed. Actually, officially it is marked as UNSOLVED. Here are the links to the cases I am mentioning in the video: Torgersens case: Brigitte Tengs case: Orderud farm killings: That being said, make sure t