Tighten and Remove Forehead Frown Wrinkles in 7 DAYS Massage Exercises
The cause of wrinkles between the forehead and the eyebrows is your daily stress buildup. Accumulation of fatigue, especially on the scalp and shoulders, can cause wrinkles and sagging on your forehead. Also, if you overuse your eyes with a smartphone, wrinkles will appear between your eyebrows without noticing it. In this video, I will teach you Bigan yoga to eliminate wrinkles on your forehead, including the release of eyebrows as a new method. Let s have fun and remove your wrinkles with me (Send me Before, After Pictures )If you practice Imi s Bigan yoga, please take a picture as a record. If you get a satisfactional result, please share with Imi by sending an email to this address. I will give you valuable personal advice to improve your practice to get even better results.