ロックマン X Di VE Rockman X Di VE Lady Fortune Has Just Smiled at Me :)
So I bought that Spring Fortune Box or how is it called on the week three, week, because I ve just gotten enough Good Fortune thingies to buy a box and also I didn t have on me until NOW I have heard he s probably not that good as a fighter in DiVE, but I really like his design and he s actually one of my favorite Navis. Spring Fortune Boxes have a 10 chance to get 40x Memories of and other 20 on getting 3000 EMs or 20x Memories (which is not enough to unlock the character) and other 70 are on the garbage I don t need or want. GUESS WHO FINALLY GETS SOMETHING THAT ISN T SRANK WEAPON OR AXL, I M SO HAPPYYYYYY WOOOOOOOO