Bee SEEK her , saramapeli
In this video I am dancing with 12, 000 honeybees. This is my third bee dance and I am planning a fourth. In this dance I invited friends to improvise with the Bee Queen. It was amazing how many emotions buzzed up and around during the dance, how much magic was presented. The video took its own turns and twists as it was edited down to create a surprising unfolding. I wrote the text after editing a sort of story out of the video improvisations. It gathered a momentum of a fierce intention to awaken a call to action. Seize this precious moment of beauty and glory by noticing whats happening around us each day, each year. Things are changing so fast globally and locally that we are having a hard time catching our breaths and doublechecking our impact. At first my intention was to show the gorgeous clarity and subtleness of nature, but by the end of editing I felt the message clear. We need to step back, examine what we are doing to the planet and its species for the safe survival o