How does a homeless man spend 100
Josh Paler Lin Pranks Social Experiment Fund Raising For Thomas Here: Subscribe Now For More To Come: Follow me on instagram: Join my Facebook Army: I wasn t expecting to get this kind of to be honest, I thought this video would be more an exposing homeless people video at first. But I m so glad that I could witness and capture such a beautiful moment. This has to be one of the most amazing experience so far on this channel. I did not only just help a homeless man, but I actually met an incredible human being and a friend. We were following him for a couple miles for almost an hour or so. Later that day we took him out to eat and got him a hotel to stay. The more I talk to him, the more I sense how genuine he I gave him my number and told him to call me when he needs help. This again proof that not all the homeless people are bad people. Never judge a book by its cover. One