Peasant Farmer Plugs Field With Bullocks (1940)
Palestine. Several shots of a farmer ploughing a field with bullocks, two women sitting on ground near by, talking. A steam train moving along the tracks. Various shots of people travelling on horseback and at the back of lorries some women and children amongst them. Various shots of a large group of people working unclear what they are doing. Stones travel from hand to hand in chain fashion. There is a gate with a large sign in Hebrew in background. People are wearing western clothes they are most likely to be Jewish. A long irrigation canal filled with water. A man on donkey moving along the canal towards camera. Another man is seen operating a large valve letting the water out. More shots of the people farming. Various shots of the city of Jerusalem. Various shots of the Jewish men praying at Wailing Wall. Various shots of the street scenes bazaar, people walking around, some Arabic, some western, cars, buildings etc. Various shots of the soldiers marching with rifles on training gro