Not Just An Infomercial
Today Im joined by Corey DeVos, editorinchief of Integral Life. I invited him on because my job is highlighting the emergence of integral consciousness, and I have been really impressed with the stuff Corey and company are putting out these days. (Plus they host my live show twice a week, and I want them to know I love them ) In our conversation I asked Corey about three recent offerings that particularly touched and edified me: 1. A memorial to Father Thomas Keating, who passed away in October and who developed the practice of Centering Prayer, a contemplative, postmythic portal to the spiritual heart of Christianity. Corey and I commemorate Father Thomass contribution to each of us and to the field of Integral Christianity, not just with his teachings but also through his personal transmission. 2. The Ken Show, where Corey hosts Ken Wilber in a series of video conversations using integral thinking to illuminate some of todays hot philosophical topics. Their latest, Is Free Will an Illusion , real