CGI Animated Short Film: Castaway by ESMA, CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Castaway Animated Short Film by Léopoldine Perdrix, Margo Lopez, Vincent Carrette, Rachel BoscBierne, FloreAnne Victor, Simon Fabbri at ESMA. Featured on CGMeetup Gallery A lonely girl is living in the sky, far from the world on the ground that frightens her. One day, an unexpected visit will turn her routine upside down and make her fall from her cloud. Directors: Marie Gauthier, Léopoldine Perdrix, Margo Lopez, Vincent Carrette, Rachel BoscBierne, FloreAnne Victor, Simon Fabbri Compositors: Nicolas Montaigne Sound: José Vicente, Benjamin Turk, Yoann Poncet, Tristan Le Bozec, Alexis Laugier Studio des Aviateurs Animated films produced as part of the CG animation training from the school ESMA. The productions here are the projects for students graduating. SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content