Magick Mirror: Digi Orb, Reflect Dark Magic, Spells, Witchcraft Sorcery And Send Back To Caster
This energetically formulated Digital Orb forms an orbital field in the environment that works as an energetic mirror. Reflects dark magic spells, witchcraft, sorcery and any other ill willed magickal operations back to caster and strengthens this reversified manifestation which means the caster gets upside down with their own creation but cannot see or identify what it is or where it came from. Imagine that you are doing dark magic against yourself, in a place that nearly exist. They cannot find the source. As long as this DigiOrb operates, this reversified manifestation grows more and more. Headphones are not recommended. You can buy the high quality track from my Digital Alchemy Lab : This Digital Orb consists from two magickal components and it forms and operates under the supply of them: 1: Visual Magick : 2: Digital Potion : ww br, br,