Astrology of Health and Nutrition 4 Planets and Tastes ( Rasas)
Planets rule certain tastes, and as a result, certain foods that energize and enliven their corresponding organ systems. Within the food groups, there are health and unhealthy tastes. Sometimes the unhealthy tastes are an excess of certain food. If you know which planets are afflicted in your horoscope, you can eat to enliven and strengthen that organ system. These planetary correspondences are based on the descriptions of the tastes (Rasas) in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra. This is a Vedic text but is easily understood by all types of astrologers. My Book, Predictive Method Predicting with Grahas as Karakas, is an easy to follow, step by step predictive technique outlined in BPHS and perfect for anyone with a grasp of the basics of Vedic Astrology: