jim kirk, , rebel just for kicks
He joined Starfleet because he believed in it. I joined on a dare. Guess whos back I managed to make this edit during some massive studying before exambut thats the only praise Ill give myself today lol. I honestly wanted this to turn out a lot better because Kirk is such a genuine soul and he deserves a good edit, yet somehow I screw his vid up during the process so now it looks flawed as hell. Many parts I didnt like and the audio kinda sucks actually. You guys might have to wear earphones and put it on maximum volume. Ughhhh :((( Aside from my venting though Its just the pure frustration of messing up an edit on ones most favorite character is what really got me. If you were to ask who my all time fictional hero is, Kirk would be the answer. No hesitation. My classmates were always so confused at the response because they thought itll be someone from the Marvel or DC universe. Good old times. I still love this flawed blueeyed creature no matter what. His charisma and enthusiasm level i