Rick Roderick on Marcuse One Dimensional Man full length
This video is 4th in the 8part video lecture series, The Self Under Siege: Philosophy in the Twentieth Century (1993). Lecture Notes: I. Marcuse became a pop figure, the philosopher of the 60s. He expressed a key contradiction in modernity. Modernity is enlightenment, the end of myth and dogma, the power of reason; but it is also the rise of technology, capitalism, specialization, instrumental reason and the return of myth and dogma. The enlightenment built an intellect powerful enough to surrendering dogmatically before the powers of technology. This is the Dialectic of Enlightenment as analyzed by Herxheimer and Adorno and popularized by Marcuse. II. Instrumental rationality, informationbased individual reason, leads to irrational outcomes. Individual monologic rationality is not rational in the totality of overall system. How did the force of the love of reason become itself unreasonable The self cannot escape siege under the sway of instrumental reason alon