Okinawan Karate includes bunkai, grappling, weapons and throws. So why is Japanese Karate so different The history of Western Boxing has the answer. It all began with a 1921 title fight between Jack Dempsey and George Carpentier in New Jersey, USA. Big thanks to Patrick McCarthy, the worlds, 1 Karate researcher author, for providing me with the historical insight presented in this video. Please see Tanpenshu (Funakoshi Gichin) and Watashi no Karatejutsu (Motobu Choki) to learn more about the fascinating history of Karate. BIO: Jesse Enkamp a. k. a The Karate Nerd is a, 1 Amazon BestSelling Author, National Team Athlete, Keynote Speaker, Entrepreneur, Carrot Cake Lover Founder of Seishin International The Worlds Leading Karate Lifestyle Brand. WATCH ALL MY VIDEOS SUBSCRIBE so you dont miss NEW videos