Mechanical 7 Segment Display Clock Using An Arduino 28 Servos
In this project, Ill be showing you how to build a mechanical 7 segment display clock which is driven by 28 servos controlled by an Arduino Uno. Time is kept using a DS1302 real time clock module and each servo is independently controlled using two PCA9685 16 channel servo drivers to expand the Arduinos PWM IO over the I2C interface. For a detailed writeup on the build and further description of the code 3D print files, have a look at the full build through this link Parts List and Purchase Links: Arduino Uno DS1302 Clock Module 2 x PCA9685 16Ch Servo Drivers 28 x Micro Servos Ribbon Cable Male Pin Header Strips Female Pin Header Strips 3mm MDF Black Spray Paint 5V 5A Battery Elim