The Beatles , Ill Be Back Guitar Secrets + Vocals
Beatles guitar lesson PLEASE: Read video description below BEFORE COMMENTING. I eliminated the last half of the song after the second bridge. This is a 2012 Rodriguez CAB11 Classical Guitar with light tension silver plated wound and clear nylon strings. Also, a 1991 Gibson J160E. Strings are Masterbuilt Phosphor Bronze. 012 . 052. Both guitars were recorded with a Tascam DR07 digital recorder 1 foot from the guitar slightly ahead of the sound hole. The master recording is about 20 cents flat so I pitch corrected the backing tracks to avoid having to detune both guitars. No tabs. No profanity in comments please. My videos are really intended for accomplished guitarists who want to polish up their Beatles repertoire and can benefit from seeing how a song is played I am not a guitar teacher and do not provide tabs. I welcome specific questions. If the various chords that I am playing are not familiar to you then I would suggest that you visit some of the many free guitar chord