Directed by Ilya I. Molchanov Assistant director: Elena Molchanova rafikidze Director of photography, operator: Ivan Vlasov villyvanya Assistant operator: Den Serebrianitskii serebrianitskii Special effects coordinator: Artem Nikolaev artemnikolaev108 Make up: Tatyana Drachyenova airprincess FOTM: Guitar, vocal: Ilya I. Molchanov Bass: Eldar Sayfulin eldarsat Drumms: Fedor Kalinin Dmitriy Matei galvanoid as a man with a flamethrower Thanks for the equipment: Artem Nikolaev artemnikolaev108, German Semyonov gerych699, Evgeniy Epifanov, Aleksey Teplyakov teplogreika Thanks for help: Artem Nikolaev artemnikolaev108, Sergey Gerbelev sergeygerb, Artem Drobyshev fiidllliev