Urban Large Eddy Simulation
Authors: Helge Knoop, Marius Keck, Siegfried Raasch Full Title: Urban LargeEddy Simulation Influence of a densely buildup artificial island on the turbulent flow in the city of Macau Description: The animation displays the development of turbulence structures induced by a densely builtup artificial island off the coast of Macau. Animation data were derived using the parallelized largeeddy simulation model PALM simulating a neutrally stratified flow over Macau, with a mean flow from the southeast to the northwest and a 10m wind of approximately 1m, s. The vertical direction of the model domain is stretched by a factor of 3 for better visualization. Turbulence structures and intensities are visualized by the rotation of the velocity vector (absolute values), with highest values in red and lowest values in white. Buildings are displayed in blue. The animation spans over 1 hour with a timelapse factor of 43, and was created with the visualization software VAPOR (https