Se X Dw Ar F Smells Like Creep Spirit (radiohead nirvana mix)
This is the exclusive official video mash to yet another brand spanking new official SeX DwArF mix sampling two of the biggest rock classics in the stratosphere. It s one of the best mixes we ve done. It effectively turns Nirvana s Smells Like Teen Spirit into a lightersinthe air smoulderanthem. It s been given the Radiohead Creep treatment. Literally. And its called (of course) Smells Like Creep Spirit (radiohead nirvana mix). Visit and for more free and exclusive eclectic fusion tunes and vids to mess with your collective noggins. NOTE: This is a strictly nonmoney making venture. Nothing is for sale. Just done for fun. And remember. There s no campaigns, no commerciality, no vested interest. Nothing is sacred. Don t do it s stereotype by another