Hypnosis to Shift Reality Powerful Law of Attraction Guided Meditation
Hypnosis to Shift Reality (Powerful ) FREE CLASS MEDITATION: (Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind) Unlock the power of your mind with this Shift Reality Hypnosis a powerful theta binaural track and visualization process designed for deep subconscious mind reprogramming. This guided meditation seamlessly blends quantum jumping and parallel reality shifting techniques to help you manifest your desires using the Law of attraction so you create immediate and lasting changes in your life. If you watched my last video, The Secret of God, you know that the inner workings of your mind and imagination create your reality. This sleep hypnosis (meditation) was inspired by the contents of that video. Here, you ll experience the art of shifting reality instantly through this restful and transformative process where you will explore various dimensions of your consciousness and tap into the power of