Full Body Bodyweight Workout
The goal of this workout is to get a heart pounding cardio crushing intense workout with just your bodyweight. I combine some of my favorite animal flow and conventional bodyweight techniques to have you kicking as from anywhere, anytime. Lets get it. Warm Up: 3 to 5 sets minimal rest in between sets but maintain quality form A1: push up to forward reach x 5 reps each side Start in a plank position. Tuck your belly button to your spine, core tight. Stack your shoulders over wrists, maintain forward pressure. Straight line from your heels to your head. Pull yourself down with your elbows out at 45 degree angles from your body. Push up and reach up with one hand, try to maintain stability and fight rotation as you reach. Come back down with both hands and repeat. A2: crab to table top x 10 reps Starting in a crab position, press your hips up into the table position maintaining a long spine and tight core and glutes. Come back to a crab position and repeat. A3: reverse