КД Любовь в бутылке Country Dance Love in a bottle
КД Любовь в бутылке Country Dance Love in a bottle Nathaniel Kynaston. 1710. Саратов, лицей 37. Performed: Saratov, Russia. Changes: dance for a 3 couple set, not longway. The first man go the whole Figuer thro the second and third man, the first woman at the same time go the whole Figure thro the second couple. This to the first Strain play d once. Then cast off, take Hands sides with the third couple, then Set and turn single. This to the first Strain play d twice. The first man turn the third woman, then the second woman. the first woman turn third and second man, then both meet at the top. This to the second Strain play d once. Then Set and change places. and clap Hands and cast off. This to the second Strain play d twice.