Rainy London Night Walk Ambience, West End City Streets Light Reflections
Walking London on a rainy night through the West End streets including Covent Garden, Leicester Square, Piccadilly Circus, Chinatown, Soho, Trafalgar Square, Seven Dials, and Carnaby Street, filled with bars and restaurants. Sights seen include: Covent Garden Station, Covent Garden Market Building, Leicester Square Station, Hippodrome Casino, Leicester Square Casinos, M Ms World, Piccadilly Circus Station, Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain, Piccadilly Lights ad display, Shaftesbury Avenue theatres, Chinatown shops restaurants, Sohos bars restaurants, Wardour Street shops restaurants, The National Gallery, Nelsons Column, Floral Court, Covent Garden Infinity Chamber, Seven Dials shops restaurants, Neals Yard, Kingly Street Ganton Street lights, and Oxford Circus Station. Recorded October 2020, Friday night Weather Conditions Temperature rain, 13C, 55F Find two WW logos hidden in this video ROUTE MAP 4. 8 miles, 7. 7 km walked 1, 3 h