Off Road conditions doesnt forgive mistakes Dump Trucks and Timber Trucks transport cargo Off Road
In this video I ll show you how powerful and really heavy dump trucks and timber trucks work in harsh offroad conditions. I recommend subscribing to the channels of these guys: Duc khong Rizla64 Ryan N. STAR 244 Turbo Raphael Osorio Серафим Прокопьев 174ACC Thanga Vaiphei Ryok Jr siarabmw750 CANAL JHON HD DanielSokolov Rafət Rehimov Adriano Rosa P3 Recovery Boker chanel Fariz Syahdan HylandShire dia a dia na fazenda com o barba cheba chou Viana Nei Medeiros Triệu phúc 12 Lạng Sơn hal9000ra Tamás Vörös Hit that subscribe button and the bell down below so you won t miss out on future uploads with trucks, tractors, allterrain vehicles and other heavy equipment driving offroad. Enjoy watching