Superb Dancers, Adagio from Spartacus by Aram Khachaturian
Anna Nikulina with Mikhail Lobukhin, Choreography by Yuri Grigorovich The Creator of the Universe gave people many gifts and as a result humans are capable of creating such phenomenal art. Khatchaturian s music is really something i ve noticed that many rockers and pop composers borrowed or stole music ideas from him. Ballet Spartacus was written in 1953. I think it was truly very ugly of the Romans to force gladiator slaves to fight each other to death. This was their ugly and disgusting satanic entertainment. And BTW, Satan is a disgusting dirty ugly stupid lying murderous scumbag of all scumbags, whom the Lord Jesus Christ is going to fry in the Lake of Fire very very soon. Spartacus led his rebellion against injustice, oppression, cruelty, and Satan the IDIOT, is leading the rebellion against justice and love, against our dear Most High God, our loving Heavenly Father. Please choose Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and reject and defy the devil