Worst Wipeouts at Mavericks Rod Hammer presents the Get Hammered Award
VOTE FOR THE WORST WIPEOUT (Comment 17) Safety is a big priority at Mavericks and we are greatly appreciative of the water safety team that helps keep us safe when the waves hit hard. In recognition of a fearless dedication to the pursuit of epic waves and the courage to embrace the oceans power, Rod Hammer will be presenting the Get Hammered award, which honors the surfer who faced the fiercest wipeout of the season, and we need your help to decide the winner Their resilience in the face of the oceans might is an inspiration to us all, reminding us that even in the most challenging moments, boldness prevails, and we can all celebrate an epic day of surfing with a strong glass of whiskey Well see you soon at the Mavericks Festival this weekend (9, 3010, 1) to present the award and pour some delicious whiskey in the Rod Hammer VIP Zone. , mavericks, wipeout, rodandhammer