5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going To College
Should you go to college, a bootcamp, or go the selftaught route. It is a tough decision with many variables so in this video I will give you 5 things to consider before going to college that can help you decide if college, bootcamp, or selftaught is the right path for you. Materials, References: Find Me Here: My Blog: My Courses: Patreon: Twitter: Discord: GitHub: CodePen: Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 00:44 Price 03:08 Opportunity C. .., WebDevSimplified, webdevsimplified, collegevsbootcamp, collegevsselftaught, universityvsbootcamp, universityvsselftaught, selftaughtvsbootcamp, selftaughtvsbootcampvscollege, programmingdegree, programmingdegreeuseless 20211130 e61I6wgGTQg