Qurai (kurai) flute from Bashkortostan nadishana. com
you can order qurai here. Material: veneer Master: Shugayupov The quray is an open end blown flute and most popular musical instrument of the Bashkir people. This particular qurai is made by master Shugayupov, who considered as the best maker for this instrument. He made many improvements of this traditional instrument and he s first who started to tune qurai with tuner. Before that the holes on qurai was made by measuring with fingers (The length is found by measuring 810 times the width of a palm encompassing the stem of a plant. . The first hole must be done at four fingers distance from the top of the plant, the next three holes at two fingers distance from each other, the fifth at the back at three fingers distance from the fourth hole. from wikipedia). The diapason of a quray consists of three octaves. The quray is used as a solo as well as a