NADAS : Il y a plusieurs formes de son. Le son est dû à des vibrations
NADAS : There are several forms of sound. The sound is caused by vibrations. We call sound what can be perceived by human ears or, more exactly, by any ear. Nadas is a form of sound that is heard from within, without the aid of the ear. It is a voice of the conscience, the voice of the god within, the voice of the super being or of the soul, or of the Adhyatma, as you wish. This voice is calling you and telling you what to do or, more importantly, what not to do. It is said: Do not move and know that I am in you. This I that we know to be in ourselves is the Nadas, the voice from within. You cannot go wrong in your present stage of evolution if you listen to the inner voice of your conscience and obey it. NADAS : french Il y a plusieurs formes de son. Le son est dû à des vibrations. Nous appelons son ce qui peut être perçu par des oreilles humaines ou, plus exactement, par n importe quelle oreille. Nadas est une forme de son qui est entendue de l, 39