Shukaku VS Kurama Giant Boss Fight Naruto To Boruto Shinobi Striker
Enjoy Epic Fight Between Shukaku and Kurama OneTailed Shukaku VS Kurama LinkMode Naruto 00:00 OneTailed Shukaku VS NineTailed Kurama 01:13 Outro 02:57 Gaara VS Naruto In Tailed Beast ModeNaruto To Boruto Shinobi Striker Biju Battle Dear YouTube, if you re watching this video, and have some issues about who this video belongs to, it s mine, I made it, you do not have to demonetize my channel and remove it because it was a false claim, please in the future if you have some issues contact me first, thanks. , ShinobiStriker, ShukakuVsKurama, GiantBattle