461 KG Massive Motor Melt Down Scrapyard Search ASMR Metal Melting Big Stack D Trash To Treasure
Hey there everyone Its finally here the 1 million sub Massive Motor Melt Down. This was a brutal breakdown and my hands feel like they have been through a grinder but after a long week of Breaking Melting and Editing its definitely all worth it. A touch under the 30KG mark of pure copper from this big motor which im pretty happy about as i guessed i would only get about 25KG. Now I know this is a super long video but i had well over 9 hours of footage i compressed down to 34 minutes. I hope you do enjoy the longer video today, Now sit back and take a load off for half an hour and check out this Scrapyard found Massive motor melt. Feel like supporting the channel it wont cost you a cent as you can Simply just donate some of your time. By just by allowing the ads to play through this will help out a lot and thats how I make a bit extra revenue and the good thing is more revenue means more giveaways and more treats for the dogs. A better way to support the channel is play one