CGI Animated Short Film: The Peak by MARZA Animation, CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: The Peak Animated Short Film by MARZA Animation Planet created by using Unity Game Engine. In the sequel to the short film THE GIFT Featured on CGMeetup Sarah goes off on another adventure with new pal, Steven. This is a story based on common childhood memories, being scared of going to a bathroom in the middle of the night. Sarah has to go through the mysterious woods as she avoids obstacles such as dancing toys and flood waters. Can she and Steven make it to the bathroom before she has an accident Directer, CG SupervisorSatoshi Takahashi Creative Producer, storyTakeshi Ito ProducerHaruhiro Uchida Executive ProducerHideki OkamuraAkira Sugano Water Effects, EditorBrent Forrest Head of StoryHiroyuki Kinoshita Art leaderKazuki Abe Asset SupervisorYoh Amano Layout SupervisorKyoko Yonemoto Animation SupervisorYosuke Sakai Technical SupervisorTakamasa Matsunari Lighting SupervisorAshkan Zanjirian Voice: SarahNaomi