Uncommon collocations: Mordor as maudlin nostalgia, impotent anger and reverse lasso, New Forward, Rus + Eng Subs
Uncommon collocations are combinations created by language users in accordance with the same patterns as ordinary collocations. When constructing such new units, a person intuitively feels the inner form of each word, their grammatical and phonetic compatibility. At the same time, there is often a figurative reinterpretation of the elements that make up such a phrase. The very term uncommon collocation itself is already an uncommon collocation, almost an oxymoron, because a collocation is something new, which, having once appeared in the language, gradually became common. Provided that you systematically learn to use collocations, believe me, your utterance will be given a real coherence, fluency, even artistic eloquence, which is going to be useful to you both in personal communication and public performance, and in international language exams, too.