City Welcomes Variety Club (1958)
Full title reads: London. City Welcomes Variety Club. Guildhall, London. GV Int. Guildhall. Children seated at dinner. CU Child drinking soup. SV Boy eating dinner. SV Boy and girl at table. CU Small boy eating dinner. LV Children seated at luncheon. CU Boy drinking from wine glass. CU Small boy drinking from wine glass. CU Small boy eating. CU Small boy finishes lunch, looking aghast. SV June Cunningham signing autographs at table. SV Julie Wilson blowing up balloon. SV Toast Master pulling cracker with girl. CU Boy looking at stage. SV Comedian Norman Wisdom entertaining children. CU Boy applauding. GV Norman Wisdom entertaining children. SV Chandeliers. GV Int. Guildhall. Evening banquet in progress. CU Lord Mayor of London seated at table. SV Sir Tom O Brien and Lord Mountbatten applauding. LV Guests at tables applauding. LV Lord Louis Mountbatten rises amidst applause to make speech. CU Lord Mountbatten speaking about the Variety Club. GV Guests applauding. LV Billy Butlin standing to make pr