Glitter Thief Vista View ( Official Video)
Vocals: Frankie from the N. E. Beats: JMEHWRD Directed by Miguel Casimiro LYRICS I pray this letter find you well The dopamine on your brain be releasing on schedule I pray you body aint become a hell Cause we cant blame those cells, but we can blame ourselves Peace to every cuticle And every Spanish vista view That you ever brought with you I spent my time just pissed at you Declining conversations when you Tried to do the things That normal mothers do, cut into The pieces of my brain The creases of the fabric of my time at home wont ever be the same, fuck it I pray theres piece in the dome Leave these dickheads all alone Like a thief in the home Overflowing all your functions I was too lost in my depression To really understand that youve been handed a life sentence Cold now that you mention it Upset with how these things could get The ties between my mum and I Would breed the lie That we were fine Dealing with my feelings o